How to keep our resolutions alive during the year…
If you are like me, you are full of motivation at the start of the year and after two weeks, the idea of watching Netflix for hours sounds like a good plan. It can be difficult to work on achieving our resolutions, but we have to think about new starts, look for ways to stay motivated and remember that restarting is basically a new chance.
I have three tips to keep our 2023 Resolutions alive for the whole year:
Formulate Resolutions in a positive way. The power of a positive mindset changes everything. Try not to use phrases with negative words. For example, instead of saying “I want to stop being so close-minded”, say “I want to be more open minded.” Instead of saying “I don’t want to be at home all day”, say “I want to have a better social life”, etc…
3 Resolutions Maximum. If you are like me, you have an entire page full of new ideas and resolutions, things you want to try etc… That’s a good thing, but it makes it almost impossible. We need to stay realistic and take it in small steps. If for example, one of your resolutions is working out, that is already a big one, especially if you don’t exercise at all. It is better to focus on this particular one, you don’t have to have 10 resolutions and want to completely change your life, if you do this, you will feel overwhelmed and it’s probable that you won’t reach your goals.
Accept that the big things are made out of small ones. To reach a big goal we have to take small steps. When you only picture the big dream, most of the time you don’t even know where to begin and in the end, nothing gets done. Let’s go back to the working out idea. Instead of wanting to exercise every single day, you can start by doing it once a week. Once it becomes a habit, you can move on to twice a week, etc, etc.
These three steps are definitely how I am focusing on reaching my goals and achieving my resolutions this year. Try it and let me know if it works for you.